Counter Hypersonics

Counter Hypersonics

Hitting a bullet with a bullet. That’s Defining Possible.

No threat is static.

Today, we face the challenge of hypersonic missiles and maneuvering reentry vehicles that can move through the atmosphere at more than five times the speed of sound. Protecting the homeland and our regional forces against these modern destructive weapons is a significant challenge. Northrop Grumman is working on groundbreaking solutions to help defeat modern hypersonic missiles in various phases of flight.

Northrop Grumman Hyersonics Info-graphic

Counter Hypersonics Mission

History demonstrates that no weapon is invincible. Northrop Grumman, in partnership with the U.S. government and industry, can neutralize these hypersonic threats and protect our nation and its armed forces against these modern destructive weapons. Northrop Grumman and our teammates are working together on groundbreaking solutions to detect, track and defeat hypersonic missiles in various phases of flight.

Hypersonics put our homeland, forward deployed forces and allies at grave risk. Ensuring that our forces can track and defeat these advanced weapons is a national imperative.

These capabilities will complement today’s robust ballistic missile defense system while performing responsive day-to-day functions, providing lasting value and protection to the nation and its armed forces.

See Hypersonics Infographic
5 people in dark lit control room looking at computer screens dressed in military camouflaged suits and business attire

Technology, Capability and Expertise

Transformational missile defense requires a pioneering combination of current and emerging technologies expertly brought together to neutralize the threat. Northrop Grumman has the people, talent and technology required to tackle the challenge of defeating hypersonic maneuvering vehicles and advanced cruise missiles. As a proven and trusted provider of air and missile defense solutions with decades of experience, Northrop Grumman is uniquely positioned to answer the call of the United States government, its people, its allies and its partners for modern missile defenses.

See End-to-End Missile Defense Infographic

Media Contacts

Alessia Grijalva