Scouting for Disruptive Technologies

A man holds a robotic arm

Northrop Grumman’s Disruptive Concepts and Technologies group continuously monitors new and disruptive ideas for insights on how to harness new tech and ideas for customers and their missions. […]

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Future Vertical Lift The Agile-built Helicopter for the Modern Military

illustration of concept for Future Vertical Lift

Future Vertical Lift will be the most sophisticated rotorcraft to enter military service. All systems are connected by the digital backbone, allowing the next generation of avionics and self-protection systems to work in a unified way. Northrop Grumman is uniquely positioned to help the Department of Defense shift the rotary wing fleet from analog to digital, from federated to open and integrated. […]

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Brawn, Brains and Beauty

A man works with a litening pod on a factory floor

Northrop Grumman is at the forefront of Industry 4.0. The latest industrial revolution is about leveraging four key digital technologies to optimize resources, enable faster decision making based on real-time data, and to produce higher quality products at a reduced cost. […]

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